About our club

Who are South Wales Wings?

What are we – well what we are not is a group of motor cycle speed merchants.  We are ordinary individuals with the best touring motor cycle ever made – the Honda Goldwing.  A machine of elegance and sophistication.  A comfort zone no matter how far you travel and speed should you need it to get out of a tight spot.  On board entertainment to enable you to enjoy the sedately drive through the peace and tranquility of the open countryside. We are from South Wales, the coastal strip from Chepstow to Port Talbot from Penarth to Brecon and beyond.  Some are professional people, businessmen, tradesman and a lot of us are even retired.  We enjoy the full range of Goldwings including solos, combinations and trikes.  Either on our own or with our partners and families we scour the UK countryside and on occasions cross the water to the cities of Europe.  It is a delight to see our members in convoy on one of the many run outs we undertake generally during the summer months either locally or a bit farther afield.  The summer months also give us the opportunity to visit around the UK other similarly minded people at what we call our Wing Dings – friendship gatherings.  A region which is part of a national Goldwing Owner’s Club of Great Britain (GWOCGB) gives us a local connection in the area in which we live or work or at another’s region where we can play, and we do.  The national Club also provides us with technical support, overseas information and various discounted supplies and services including Public Liability Insurance.  Each year we also support a charity last year it was Blood Bikes Wales and this year we have decided to continue supporting this very worthwhile charity.